Thursday, January 26, 2012

Flag Day At Drum Beat

Across the world people are celebrating today and here at Drum Beat it’s no different.

In Australia they are celebrating Australia Day, in Uganda it’s Liberation Day and in India they are celebrating Republic day.

Here at Drum Beat we are having fun with our own special day - Flag Day. Everyone needs a reason to celebrate, right?

The whole office joined in and represented a flag in some way or the other, we have just about everything from Ghana to Bangladesh.

Just to make this an educational experience we had a little test to see who knows their flags, turns out it’s a bit harder than expected and even the test creator couldn’t remember them all. But it is our great pleasure to announce that we have a clear winner! Congratulations Christa! We all had a good guess but you are most certainly the champion!

Can you guess where these flags are from?

If you want to learn more about our country then our Tourist Guide Course is the thing for you!